Category: Blogs

Peer researchers co-desining more effective policies

Will it be fair and protect the most vulnerable? Why we’re concerned that September’s mini-budget won’t help those most in need

“This government isn’t for us. Why they want to help people who are comfortable already, I don’t know. It’s always about saving them.” Nasrat, Toynbee Hall Peer Researcher Toynbee Hall’s Research and Policy Peer Research Team reflect on the worsening cost of living crisis and call for fair and targeted policy measures in tomorrow’s mini-budget…
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Jim is handed a leaving gift, a painting of Toynbee Hall, by two of our Community Centre members

A message from departing Chief Executive Jim Minton

After 5 years Jim is leaving Toynbee Hall to become Chief Executive of the Mayor’s Fund for London and shares some final reflections on his time here.

Peer Research project

3 Things I’ve learned about peer research

Dr Xia Lin shares what she has learned about peer research as part of Co-Production Week.

Toynbee Hall response to additional cost of living support measures

Toynbee Hall’s response to today’s announcement on the additional Cost of Living support measures

Toynbee Hall response to today’s announcement on the additional Cost of Living support measures announced by the Chancellor.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2022

Mental Health Awareness Week, 9-15 May 2022: Tackling loneliness

Mental Health Awareness Week, hosted by the Mental Health Foundation. Together we can tackle loneliness.

4 Women Who Have Shaped Social Change at Toynbee Hall: Carrie Morrison, Sabera Majid, Edith Ramsey, and Rosetta Reardon

The crucial and pathbreaking work of Toynbee Hall’s founder, Henrietta Barnett is well known. However, some of the stories of other women in Toynbee Hall’s history who have been fundamental in driving positive social change while they worked or volunteered in the East End have not had the same attention. As part of Women’s History…
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A court in Whitechapel and some of its children inhabitants

VODCAST: Interview with local author and historian John Walker

In this Vodcast local historian John Walker speaks to to us about his recently released book Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Abuse, Neglect and Fire in a London Children’s Workhouse, 1854-1907.

Who are the women leading change in our community?

by Hazira Begum My name is Hazira, and I am a Project Support Worker on Toynbee Hall’s research and policy team.  I have got to know Aneita, Paulette and Nasrat over the past year, working together to research and tackle issues like debt, the poverty premium, and community safety. How have women led change in…
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University Settlement in New York

Connecting with communities and shaping change – sharing learning from New York’s experience

By Jim Minton, Chief Executive of Toynbee Hall At the end of February I was lucky enough to be in New York City. To be travelling again felt a real privilege given the times we have been through; and I felt very fortunate indeed to have the luxury of being able to take some time…
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More than just education

New blog: More than just education

In this blog, peer researchers reflect on on their participatory action research project on adult education in London.

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