Resource Category: Research

Inclusive Design in Action

Fair By Design, Ofgem and Toynbee Hall, A case study: using inclusive design to create a fair transition to net zero.

Breaking Point

Breaking Point

The latest impact report from Debt Free Advice, where we have focused on real-world stories and experiences from our frontline team and customer feedback to paint a vivid picture of day-to-day impact our free advice service makes.

Net-Zero transition for low-income consumers report front cover

Net Zero Transition for low-income Consumers

A Participatory Action Research project exploring what a fair transition to net zero should look like for low-income consumers, and how to get there.

More Than Just Education

A Participatory Action Research project on adult education in London.


A Participatory Action Research project on the challenges of renting in London as a young person.

Fixed Button Language and accessibility tools